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Fancy Shape Cut Grade from AGS

Mar 10, 2005 12:45 PM   By Jeff Miller
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(Rapaport...March 10, 2005) The AGS Laboratories will issue the Diamond Quality document for the American Gem Society performance cut grade system on the square princess cut beginning May 1, 2005. This is the industry’s first scientific cut grade for the princess cut.

Science supporting the new cut grade system reflects the AGS transition from a proportion-based to a performance-based cut grade system, where all facets of a diamond are measured in three dimensions rather than two dimensions. The lab will use ray tracing software to trace light traveling through a diamond, which demonstrates the quantity and quality of the light being returned to the viewer. AGS Laboratories will be considering brightness, dispersion, leakage, contrast, and weight ratio, in addition to proportion, symmetry, and polish, when assigning a final cut grade.

Peter Yanzter, executive director of AGS Laboratories, said, "The methodology we are using can be applied to all fancy shapes and facet arrangement as research continues.” And he said they remain committed to a five-business-day turnaround on grading results.

Tags: Laboratories
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